
In this section it is possible to view, also through targeted research, the technologies inserted in the PROMO-TT Database. For further information on the technologies and to contact the CNR Research Teams who developed them, it is necessary to contact the Project Manager (see the references at the bottom of each record card).

Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14

# Record card

The final technology will add polarimetric capability to imaging cameras in the NUV/optical, providing simultaneous measurements of the different polarization states of the light. This will be obtained by the development of an innovative coating based on nanostructured emissive materials sensitive to the polarization of the incident light. A  double layer film of two organic systems will be coupled to image detectors so that the two polarization components of the incoming light are converted into two different colors.

Thematic areas
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Materials / Optical materials
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
# Record card

CPIAbot is a conversational assistant supporting the learning of Italian L2 for migrants. It has been tested in particular in the context of CPIA - Centri Provinciali per l'Istruzione degli Adulti - MIUR.

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Multimedia
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
# Record card

Our innovative proposal involves an educational robotics training program, resulting from an experimental research that combines traditional educational approaches with the utilization of robotics. Specifically, the educational robot Thymio, developed by EPFL, serves as a facilitator in the learning process to enhance School Readiness.

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
# Record card

The constant demand for more powerful and energy-efficient electronic devices than existing ones is challenging scientists and companies to develop innovative solutions that can address such primary technological needs. Based on a recent scientific discovery made by our team we have developed a technology for superfast and extremely scalable logic and computing circuits with minimal energy losses, which has the potential to become the leading technology in the future world of largescale computing and telecommunication infrastructures.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Cybersecurity
ICT & Electronics / Network technology, network security
ICT & Electronics / Future Internet
ICT & Electronics / Big Data
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Microwaves and RF
ICT & Electronics / Telecommunications
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
# Record card

The proposed technology takes advantages of the huge potentialities of the gellan gum microgels in the preservation of cultural heritage. Microgels are polymeric gels particles with the micro and nanoscale size, whose soft nature is due to the presence of the aqueous solvent inside the particle. For their small size, they can easily diffuse in the environment and penetrate in the porous structure of paper and wood to act as cleaner agent.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Materials / Plastics, polymers
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
# Record card

This technology concerns the development of new eco-sustainable UV physical/mineral filters with the aim of offering important innovations per the cosmetic sector. This, encouraged by European initiatives in the Green-Deal context, is constantly looking for new components with improved protection of the human health and the environment.

Thematic areas
Materials / Ceramic materials
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Safety and security
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
# Record card

Mergers e Acquisitions represent important forms of business deals because of the volumes involved in the transactions and the role of the innovation activity of companies. By considering the patent activity of about one thousand companies, we develop a method to predict future acquisitions by assuming that companies deal more frequently with technologically related ones.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
# Record card

It enables a systemic and evolutionary development of people, organisations and territories by overcoming the criticality of traditional approaches, which get stuck because of rationalistic reductions in complexity, as well as lack of motivation. This responds to the social sustainability needs highlighted by the UN 2030 agenda. The methodology is based on 3 pillars:

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
# Record card

The NanoMicroFab infrastructure, support companies operating in the field of micro and nanoelectronics through the supply of materials, development of processes, design, fabrication and characterization of materials and devices. NanoMicroFab makes use of existing CNR facilities of the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies and the Institute for the Structure of Matter and provides: • a complete line of development of devices based on wide band gap semiconductors.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Laser technologies
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Smart cities and Communities
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Robotics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Vacuum/High vacuum technologies
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Bio-medicals
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic kits
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Chemicals & Physics / Electron microscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Energy and environmental sustainability / Ecology & Biodiversity
Energy and environmental sustainability / Mechanical Engineering, Hydraulics, Vibration and Acoustic Engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Energy and environmental sustainability / Simulation
Energy and environmental sustainability / Wearable technologies
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / Microwaves and RF
# Record card

Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Measurement tools and Standards
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archaeology
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
# Record card

The invention concerns an apparatus for measuring the three-dimensional (3-D) sea surface elevation from moving and floating platforms. In particular, the invention consists of two or more synchronized digital video-cameras that frame, from distinct and remote points of view, a common portion of the sea surface. A triangulation process makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional reconstruction of the sea surface from these images. The invention is particularly suitable for measuring sea waves.

Thematic areas
Aerospace and Earth Science / Oceanography
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
# Record card

uManager is a management game designed to foster the development of young students' entrepreneurial skills and abilities. The game offers the opportunity to manage a tourist village, stimulating the skills of decision making and problem-solving in a simulated scenario adhering to the real one. uManager is suitable for use in the classroom or at a distance, in formal and informal contexts.

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Multimedia
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
# Record card

This form describes a programmable, autonomous and stand-alone imaging system for the acquisition and processing of images containing subjects whose size is larger than 1cm (e.g. gelatinous zooplankton, fishes, litter, manufacts), form the seafloor or along the water column, in shallow or deep waters. It is capable to recognize and classify the image content through pattern recognition algorithms that combine computer vision and artificial intelligence methodologies.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
Aerospace and Earth Science / Oceanography
Agrifood / Marine resources
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Entertainment
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
# Record card

VOLIS is an online platform that contains various tests for assessing Italian Sign Language (LIS) comprehension skills in signing children, from 4 to 11 years of age. The consequences of some difficulties such as deafness, cognitive impairments and autism spectrum disorder may affect learning, social interaction and broad communicative skills. The use of LIS may support children that have difficulties in acquiring and using a using spoken languages.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Multimedia
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning