The 2021 edition of Lifebility Award selects and rewards projects and ideas to address the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic
The 2021 edition of the Lifebility Award - not surprisingly entitled KO COVID-19 - looks for innovative ideas and projects already in place aimed at addressing the effects of Covid-19 on health and the economy, the two areas significantly affected by the emergency.
Projects will be classified as Innovative, if oriented to solve a problem with elements of innovation and originality but still in the conception phase or Advanced, if already supported by a structured and sustainable Business Plan and ready to offer a product or service to the market . In both cases, the focus must always be on initiatives that support the fight against the Coronavirus.
The competition is open to all and participation is free. Projects can be submitted at info@lifebilityaward.com, according to the scheme downloaded from the site www.lifebilityaward.com, by 4.00 pm on April 19, 2021. At this link you can download the complete regulation and the project form to be filled in.
The awards ceremony will take place on 22 and 23 May 2021, as part of the LIONS MD 108 ITALY National Congress. The winners of each of the two categories in the Advanced section will win a prize of € 20,000. All the finalists of the Innovative section, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to take part in a Study Visit at the European Community in Brussels, while the prize for each of the two winners will be € 5,000.
For further information go to the site www.lifebilityaward.com
Or send an email to info@lifebilityaward.com