
In this section it is possible to view, also through targeted research, the technologies inserted in the PROMO-TT Database. For further information on the technologies and to contact the CNR Research Teams who developed them, it is necessary to contact the Project Manager (see the references at the bottom of each record card).

Displaying results 16 - 30 of 50

# Record card

Molecular doping (MD) is a doping method based on the use of liquid solutions. The dopant precursor is in liquid form and the material to be doped is immersed in the solution. During the immersion process, the molecule containing the dopant atom is deposited on the surface of the material forming a self-assembled monolayer, that is, ordered and compact. Through a subsequent heat treatment, the molecule decomposes and the dopant diffuses.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
# Record card

The insertion of executable programs within QR codes is a new enabling technology for many application contexts in everyday life. Every time Internet access is unavailable, QR code usage is limited to reading the data it contains without any possibility of interaction.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Cybersecurity
ICT & Electronics / Smart cities and Communities
ICT & Electronics / Future Internet
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Augmented Reality
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic kits
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Entertainment
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Tourism
Aerospace and Earth Science
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
Agrifood / Nutrition & health
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Multimedia
# Record card

Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) are 1D structures with diameter ranging from few tens to hundreds of nanometers and length varying from few tens of nanometers to millimiters. SiNWs are fabricated in the labs of the IMM-CNR, Rome Unit,  by using bottom-up technologies such as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at low growth temperature ((≤350°C), allowing the use of plastic and glassy substrates. Their electrical properties can be tuned by controlling the p/n doping during the growth.

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Medical imaging & equipment
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Materials / Metals & alloys
Materials / Optical materials
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
# Record card

We propose a portable chemical analysis system capable of identifying chemical substances at trace concentrations (sub-ppm), even in case of a complex matrix of interfering species.

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archeometry
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Safety and security
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Smart cities and Communities
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Process control and logistic
Chemicals & Physics / Separation technologies
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Energy and environmental sustainability / Natural disasters
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Measurement tools and Standards
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
# Record card

VisLab laboratory of IMM possesses a latest generation Raman micro-spectroscope equipped for vibrational measurements with high spatial and spectral resolution, at controlled temperature and in fast-imaging. The apparatus can be used to collect information and chemico-physical maps without the need for sample preparation and alteration, therefore for non-destructive studies and in operating conditions.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Man made fibres
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Materials / Plastics, polymers
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Medical imaging & equipment
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
# Record card

The Nikon reference centre at IBPM ( ) is a microscopy platform for high resolution imaging of fixed samples and live cells (time-lapse video recording, both wide field and confocal spinning disk). Multimodal (fluorescence and transmitted light) and multidimensional (in x,y,z, 4 wavelengths, over time) acquisition modes are in place.

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Medical imaging & equipment
# Record card

The platform HistoPlat implies the development and validation of a mathematical algorithm, potentially combinable with an image analysis software, that, through a multiparametric approach including the immunohistochemical analysis of both expression and localization of multiple markers, allows the histopathologist or oncologist to optimize the diagnosis and prognosis, and to predict the clinical response to therapies directed towards validated and/or innovative molecular targets, also taking into account the individual variability of each pati

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech / New therapies
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
# Record card

In the last years, hop culture has spread throughout Italy, and the vegetative biomass disposal, after harvesting of cones, used for beer production, became a serious problem for hop growers. Hop plant contains in all parts, cones, shoots, leaves and roots, bioactive compounds, with proven and important antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Thematic areas
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Nutrition & health
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability / Waste management
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
# Record card

NIRS is a non-invasive technique for the human brain cortex imaging based on the measurement of the NIR light emitted by suitable optical sources placed on the patient head and backdiffused to the surface after passing through the brain tissues. NIRS monitors the percentage of oxygenated and reduced hemoglobin  in the blood, and it allows the real time functional imaging of the brain cortex also in tomographic mode (Diffuse Optical Tomography - DOT).

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
Health & Biotech / Medical imaging & equipment
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
# Record card

At IFN-CNR, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano-Department of Physics, we have developed Raman microscopy approaches compatible with the study and characterization of biological and industrial samples. In detail, our facility houses a self-built spontaneous confocal Raman microscope with the following characteristics: two excitation lasers (660nm and 785nm), inverted microscope (Olympus IX-73) and Princeton spectrometer / CCD.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
# Record card

Mirrors for space applications, besides featuring suitable optical properties, should be light, resistant to mechanical stresses, and unsensitive to light-shadow thermal cycling. The standard optical materials easily fulfill optical and thermal requirements, but are fragile, and the mirrors must be thick (typically 1/6 of the diameter). For this reason they are heavy, and the only available solution is to lighten them, by removing material from the back side, still preserving the necessary mechanical robustness and optical quality.

Thematic areas
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Materials / Optical materials
# Record card

The invention is about the development of a device and its methodology for measuring the active and reactive sound intensity from the impedance computation. The active intensity is calculated directly in the frequency domain multiplying the complex impedance and power spectrum of the air particle velocity. A second line of post-processing is applied to obtain the overall complex sound intensity.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
Energy and environmental sustainability / Mechanical Engineering, Hydraulics, Vibration and Acoustic Engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Measurement tools and Standards
# Record card

This invention comprises an interrogation and readout differential method for chemical sensors based on Surface Plasmon Resonances (SPR). The integration of the SPR sensing unit (chip or other), as intermediate reflecting element of a Fabry-Perot (FP) optical resonator, is the starting point for the application of this method.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Laser technologies
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archeometry
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Safety and security
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
Energy and environmental sustainability
Health & Biotech
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Measurement tools and Standards
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
ICT & Electronics / Microwaves and RF
# Record card

The object of the technology is the development of a transferable methodology from the laboratory scale to the pilot scale to be validated in the industrial setting for the treatment of basic waste of natural polymers of agro-food or manufacturing industry.

Thematic areas
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability / Waste management
# Record card

The NanoMicroFab infrastructure, support companies operating in the field of micro and nanoelectronics through the supply of materials, development of processes, design, fabrication and characterization of materials and devices. NanoMicroFab makes use of existing CNR facilities of the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies and the Institute for the Structure of Matter and provides: • a complete line of development of devices based on wide band gap semiconductors.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Laser technologies
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Smart cities and Communities
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Robotics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Vacuum/High vacuum technologies
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Bio-medicals
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic kits
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Chemicals & Physics / Electron microscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Energy and environmental sustainability / Ecology & Biodiversity
Energy and environmental sustainability / Mechanical Engineering, Hydraulics, Vibration and Acoustic Engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Energy and environmental sustainability / Simulation
Energy and environmental sustainability / Wearable technologies
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / Microwaves and RF