
In this section it is possible to view, also through targeted research, the technologies inserted in the PROMO-TT Database. For further information on the technologies and to contact the CNR Research Teams who developed them, it is necessary to contact the Project Manager (see the references at the bottom of each record card).

Displaying results 16 - 29 of 29

# Record card

The object of the technology is the development of a transferable methodology from the laboratory scale to the pilot scale to be validated in the industrial setting for the treatment of basic waste of natural polymers of agro-food or manufacturing industry.

Thematic areas
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability / Waste management
# Record card

The NanoMicroFab infrastructure, support companies operating in the field of micro and nanoelectronics through the supply of materials, development of processes, design, fabrication and characterization of materials and devices. NanoMicroFab makes use of existing CNR facilities of the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies and the Institute for the Structure of Matter and provides: • a complete line of development of devices based on wide band gap semiconductors.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Laser technologies
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Smart cities and Communities
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Robotics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Vacuum/High vacuum technologies
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Bio-medicals
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic kits
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Chemicals & Physics / Electron microscopy
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Energy and environmental sustainability / Ecology & Biodiversity
Energy and environmental sustainability / Mechanical Engineering, Hydraulics, Vibration and Acoustic Engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Energy and environmental sustainability / Simulation
Energy and environmental sustainability / Wearable technologies
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / Microwaves and RF
# Record card

NANOINCICLO is a technology based on the use of nanostructured cyclodextrins (CDs) for the targeted delivery of drugs such as anticancer drugs, photodynamic drugs, anti-inflammatories, antivirals, antibacterials, nutraceuticals and metals with therapeutic and diagnostic properties. Successful CDs for the proposed technology are FDA-approved or in advanced pre-clinical investigational stage and include natural and functionalized, polymeric, and amphiphilic monomeric CDs.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
# Record card

The development of new materials with near-infrared emission (NIR, 700 – 1000 nm) represent an important target in the technological progress of innovative active components for OLED devices (including flexible ones), surveillance systems, autonomous driving, night vision sensors, fiber optic telecommunications and medical systems. In all these fields it still lacks a commercial NIR-OLED technology.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Colours & dyes
# Record card

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (SSNMR) is today one of the most powerful techniques for characterizing solid and soft materials and systems. This spectroscopy allows the detailed characterization of structural and dynamic properties over large spatial (0.1-100 nm) and time (102-10-11 s) scales. Accessing these properties allows a deep knowledge of a material to be obtained and  its design and optimization to be oriented.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Materials / Wood products
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Health & Biotech / Regenerative Medicine
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Aerospace and Earth Science
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archaeology
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Automotive transport and logistics / Vehicles
Automotive transport and logistics / Shipbuilding
Automotive transport and logistics / Innovative fuels
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability
# Record card

Combinations of several enzymes in a production chain are preferred to “first generation” enzymatic processes (where the "single reaction - single enzyme" principle was followed), for the synthesis of compounds with high added value starting from simple and cheap substrates. An important requirement for obtaining control in "cascade enzymatic reactions" is the ability to deliver from one biocatalyst to the next one the various intermediates, limiting as much as possible the diffusion of the latter in the solvent.

Thematic areas
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Nutrition & health
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Chemicals & Physics / Agro chemicals
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Special chemicals
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Materials / Plastics, polymers
# Record card

The proposed technology is based on the concept of Power-Over-Fibre (PoF), which involves the transmission of data and power over an optical fiber. This technology is suitable for applications where traditional copper cabling is impractical or undesirable. This is the case with pantographs, where there is a large potential difference between the catenary and the earth, and therefore any electrical contact must be avoided for safety reasons. Furthermore, pantographs operate in an environment with very high electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
# Record card

The metasurface optomechanical modulator is a device designed to modulate the amplitude, phase and polarization of a beam of electromagnetic radiation, independently, or simultaneously, according to prescribed paths in the parameter space (for example, as regards polarization, paths on the Poincaré sphere). The concept of our device can be applied to the entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves: from radio frequency, to microwaves (GHz), to millimeter waves (THz), to far and near infrared radiation, and to visible light.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
ICT & Electronics / Laser technologies
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
Chemicals & Physics / Quantum optics
Materials / Optical materials
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
ICT & Electronics / Telecommunications
# Record card

The proposed technology is about the development of an innovative sunscreen obtained from cod fish bones, according to the principles of the circular economy. The sunscreen is a reddish powder, which is constituted of hydroxyapatite (a calcium phosphate main component of human bones) modified with iron. It is prepared with a simple and easily scalable process (treatment of the bones in Fe solution and successively at T = 700 oC) and could be adapted for bones of other fishes. 

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Materials / Ceramic materials
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
# Record card

Electrochromism is an optoelectronic characteristic of particular interest because it can be exploited in the creation of technologies such as smart windows (Smart Windows) to promote energy efficiency, automotive, sensor or visualization devices. Electrochromic materials change their optoelectronic characteristics, showing different colors depending on the applied electric field.

Thematic areas
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Rational use of energy
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Automotive transport and logistics
Automotive transport and logistics / Vehicles
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Colours & dyes
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Materials / Optical materials
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
ICT & Electronics
# Record card

The substitution of fossil derived monomers in thermosetting resins is a very important point to look at to face environmental impact issues related with the use of traditional resins. The research group set up a protocol for the preparation of thermosetting resins starting from vegetable oils with different composition to substitute the petroleum-based monomers. The materials obtained in this way have a bio-based carbon content higher than 80%.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Materials / Plastics, polymers
# Record card

This form describes a programmable, autonomous and stand-alone imaging system for the acquisition and processing of images containing subjects whose size is larger than 1cm (e.g. gelatinous zooplankton, fishes, litter, manufacts), form the seafloor or along the water column, in shallow or deep waters. It is capable to recognize and classify the image content through pattern recognition algorithms that combine computer vision and artificial intelligence methodologies.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
ICT & Electronics / Optics & Acoustic
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
Aerospace and Earth Science / Oceanography
Agrifood / Marine resources
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Entertainment
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
# Record card

Geopolymers belong to the class of chemically bonded ceramics: they are synthesized at low temperatures and are eco-friendly, as besides the low consolidation temperature required by the process they can be produced from secondary raw materials and industrial waste of various kinds, thus reducing the energy demand and the environmental impact of the entire production cycle. Materials such as fly ash, steel mill slag, biomass ash, sludge and silt, extractive residues, mineral and ceramic powders, organic or inorganic waste fibers, plastics, etc.

Thematic areas
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Building materials
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Energy and environmental sustainability / Building materials
Materials / Ceramic materials
Automotive transport and logistics / Vehicles
Automotive transport and logistics / Shipbuilding
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Waste management
# Record card

Safe, efficient and specific nano-delivery systems are increasingly needed for precision and regenerative medicine and targeted therapies (e.g. anticancer and antimicrobial therapies), as well as for  the cosmetic and nutraceutical sectors’ applications. Despite the appreciable success of synthetic nanovectors, like for example liposomes, their clinical and market application is hampered by some limitations: • large scale production, • low cost production • intrinsic toxicity • limited cellular uptake • limited consumer acceptance.

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Agrifood / Marine resources
Agrifood / Nutrition & health
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Health & Biotech / Regenerative Medicine