Webinar "PROMO-TT Instrument: CNR technologies for industry and SMEs"

The Webinar, organized by the Italian National Research Council and by the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (Unioncamere), will be held on the morning of Thursday 11 March 2021.

The goal is to present the website of the Promo-TT Instrument project, with its Database (DB) on the most interesting CNR technologies for innovation in industrial companies and SMEs.

During the Webinar the contents of the DB will be illustrated, also with the presentation - by the inventors - of the advantages of 12 technologies (one for each technological sector), of potential interest for the Production world.

The meeting is aimed at industrial companies and SMEs, their associations, the Chamber of Commerce system and their PIDs, brokers and technology service centers, Digital Innovation Hubs, banking foundations and private investors, CNR staff interested in enhancing the results of their research and in the world of public research.

More information is available in the Program.

The language use during the Webinar will be Italian.

Access mode

Participation is free, upon registration on the GoToWebinar platform at this link https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4825997739916779021

Organized by

CNR-European and International Relations Unit; 
CNR-Biomedical Sciences Department; 
CNR-Earth system sciences and technologies for the environment Department; 
CNR-Physical sciences and Technologies of Matter Department; 
CNR-Biology, agriculture and food sciences Department; 
CNR-Chemical sciences and Materials Technologies Department; 
CNR-Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transportation Department; 
CNR-Social Sciences and humanities, Cultural Heritage Department;