The proposed technology takes advantages of the huge potentialities of the gellan gum microgels in the preservation of cultural heritage. Microgels are polymeric gels particles with the micro and nanoscale size, whose soft nature is due to the presence of the aqueous solvent inside the particle. For their small size, they can easily diffuse in the environment and penetrate in the porous structure of paper and wood to act as cleaner agent.
Beni culturali
# Record card
Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Materials / Plastics, polymers
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
# Record card
The instrument which is under development is a non-conventional portable Raman spectrometer. Raman spectrometers provide the molecular composition of the material surfaces, essential for their identification. The instrument peculiarity relies in the simultaneous acquisition of Raman spectra at imaged position and at different micrometric distances (offset) from the laser illumination area.
Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archaeology
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archeometry
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
# Record card
The instrumentation is based on the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) which is a non-invasive geophysical technology used to obtain information on anomalous bodies possibly present in the subsoil. The theoretical basis lies in the different electrical properties of the lithotypes present in the subsoil.
Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
# Record card
Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Measurement tools and Standards
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archaeology
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security