
# Record card

The present invention relates to the biomedical sector of the treatment of lung diseases and related symptoms. In particular, the present invention provides compositions and methods based on the use of selected polymeric biomaterials, in combination with stem cells and/or their secretome, capable of synergistically improving the development, regeneration and repair of chronic lung injuries and related symptoms.

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / New therapies
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Health & Biotech / Regenerative Medicine
# Record card

The substitution of fossil derived monomers in thermosetting resins is a very important point to look at to face environmental impact issues related with the use of traditional resins. The research group set up a protocol for the preparation of thermosetting resins starting from vegetable oils with different composition to substitute the petroleum-based monomers. The materials obtained in this way have a bio-based carbon content higher than 80%.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Materials / Plastics, polymers