
# Record card

Shape memory alloys (SMA) have attracted increasing interest in recent years as materials suitable for solid state refrigeration. One of the most attractive methods is mechanical deformation to induce the phase transformation and to generate and absorb heat through the elastocaloric effect.

Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability / Energy production, transmission and conversion
Materials / Metals & alloys
Aerospace and Earth Science
# Record card

The Open Chemistry Database, OChemDb, is a web portal for the research and analysis of crystallochemical information relating to organic, inorganic, metallorganic compounds, and provides statistical information on bond distances, bond angles, torsion angles, types of atoms and space groups. To obtain the above information, OChemDb queries a database, appropriately designed, that contains crystalline structures already resolved.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances