The Open Chemistry Database, OChemDb, is a web portal for the research and analysis of crystallochemical information relating to organic, inorganic, metallorganic compounds, and provides statistical information on bond distances, bond angles, torsion angles, types of atoms and space groups. To obtain the above information, OChemDb queries a database, appropriately designed, that contains crystalline structures already resolved.
In this section it is possible to view, also through targeted research, the technologies inserted in the PROMO-TT Database. For further information on the technologies and to contact the CNR Research Teams who developed them, it is necessary to contact the Project Manager (see the references at the bottom of each record card).
Displaying results 16 - 25 of 25
Combinations of several enzymes in a production chain are preferred to “first generation” enzymatic processes (where the "single reaction - single enzyme" principle was followed), for the synthesis of compounds with high added value starting from simple and cheap substrates. An important requirement for obtaining control in "cascade enzymatic reactions" is the ability to deliver from one biocatalyst to the next one the various intermediates, limiting as much as possible the diffusion of the latter in the solvent.
The environment as well as the food production provide a number of both natural and synthetic compounds whose effects on human being as an organism have not yet been determined nor investigated.
The invention is a synthetic method to prepare colloidal nanomaterials of V-VI-VII semiconductors that do not contain toxic elements. This is the first method for the synthesis of mixed anion nanomaterials without toxic elements at large, which permitted to obtain, among others, bismuth chalcohalide nanocrystals that are arguably considered as one of main candidates to be the next big thing for light energy conversion.
EXPO is a software for the determination of the atomic structure of various materials (organic, metallorganic, inorganic), available in the form of microcrystalline powders, in order to derive the structure-property relationships. EXPO requires the molecular formula of the material, the experimental X-ray diffraction data and, in some cases, the expected molecular geometry.
QUALX is a software for qualitative and semi-quantitative phase analysis of materials (organic, metallorganic, inorganic), available in the form of microcrystalline powders. It uses a database distributed together with the software. QUALX identifies the crystalline chemical phase, one or more of than one, present in a material and determines approximately the weight percentages of each phase present in a mixture.
The proposed device is a semi-transparent screen that allows simultaneous viewing of what is beyond the screen and the images projected onto its surface. It consists of two thin glass plates with reflective elements arranged as microlenses, embedded in a resin. The projector's light is reflected by the elements towards the user's eye, while external light passes through the transparent layers without distortion. The transparency and brightness of the screen can be adjusted by modifying the reflective elements.
Our team can develop low-cost ultra-flexible sensors integrated on plastic substrate for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and gas detection. These devices combine scalable fabrication technologies, implementing active materials such as nanostructured metal oxides or stack of nanostructures decorated with metal nanoparticles, thus enabling a high sensitivity (in the range of hundreds of ppb). These devices can be applied to numerous industrial and commercial sectors and they can be embedded in systems that are more sophisticated.
Geopolymers belong to the class of chemically bonded ceramics: they are synthesized at low temperatures and are eco-friendly, as besides the low consolidation temperature required by the process they can be produced from secondary raw materials and industrial waste of various kinds, thus reducing the energy demand and the environmental impact of the entire production cycle. Materials such as fly ash, steel mill slag, biomass ash, sludge and silt, extractive residues, mineral and ceramic powders, organic or inorganic waste fibers, plastics, etc.
X-ray imaging techniques can work in i) "full-field mode" in which the object to study (or part of it) is completely illuminated by the X-ray beam; ii) "scanning mode" in which an X-ray beam, focused through an opportune optics, illuminates in succession contiguous areas of the sample under examination, and the transmitted wave is measured by a detector placed at a proper distance from it. One of these X-ray scanning microscopes is available at the facility (X-ray MicroImaging, XMIL@b) of the Institute of Crystallography (CNR-Bari).