4Ts Game was born in ITD in 2017 to indicate a board game for teacher training, which aims to develop skills in designing collaborative learning activities. The game was originally conceived as a 'tangible' game, consisting of a board and 4 decks of paper cards which contain inputs that guide the teachers/players' design process. Subsequently the game evolved and was developed in its digital version. In this version, developed in Unity and with an underlying knowledge base in Prolog, the game is able to provide feedback to teachers regarding the design/game choices made. Finally, a 'hybrid' format version was also created, which keeps the board and cards in paper format, but uses the digital component to provide feedback. 4Ts Game is available in 4 languages and is designed to be easily translated into other languages and customizable based on the context. For game documentation see: https://sites.itd.cnr.it/4TsGame/
4Ts Game contains elements of educational innovation (there are no games with the same purpose) and technological innovation (the hybrid setting was created ad hoc and is new, as it is featured with QR codes that detect the cards on the board, thus providing feedback basing on their position and associations among cards). The game code is Open Source, having been developed in the context of European projects. Consequently, all its components can be downloaded free of charge from the website and can be easily 'customised' by the user. The rationale is that the game can be used in the context of teacher training by any institution/school/training body wishing to develop learning design skills with a playful approach. The possible applications of the product are scientific (research in the serious games sector for teacher training, research in the interaction design sector in the development of games, especially hybrid games) and use in the context of teacher training initiatives (in school or university).