This technology is an e-health application. The DragONE application is inspired by the global guidelines for the management of asthma, which promote the opportunity to implement a multidimensional assessment of pediatric asthma using innovative systems. DragONE allows to record data on the subjective control of asthma, by using easy-to-understand colors and icons for children (red, yellow or green dragon), to keep track to the patient’s of perceived state.
The innovative features of the app are:
- User interface developed to ensure a user experience suited to the pediatric target
- Bluetooth for connection to devices for the evaluation of respiratory function.
- Alerting system that allows the parent / child to be reminded to carry out periodic tests and monitoring, thus improving adherence to the treatment plan
- Use of the calendar of events / appointments of the mobile device by inserting the events of the care plan
The main advantage consists in the uniqueness of the application given that are no other commercial tools capable of providing an overall picture of the treatment path and the state of perceived well-being.