SURVEY WIPO - Guide on researchers Incentives for TT

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Technology Transfer Section is responsible for promoting successful transfer of intellectual property (IP) and technologies from research institutions and universities to the marketplace and society for the purpose of their further utilization and commercialization.
Given that one of the limitations for technology transfer (TT) and commercialization is the limited number of incentives for researchers to disclose inventions, collaborate with local and international private firms and participate in the commercialization process, WIPO is producing a Guide “Incentives in Technology Transfer –  How to Encourage, Recognize and Reward Faculty Researchers and Support Staff .”
This survey, that will take only few minutes to complete, will allow stakeholders (researchers, TT practitioners)  to express their opinion on the subject.
Whether you are currently engaged as researcher or practitioner in technology transfer activities or not, we really encourage that you participate and express your views, because this will provide data that reflects yourbehaviorur and opinions and it will help identify and fix issues that hinder technology transfer. The analysis of the survey results  will be included in a Guide directed at universities and research institutions to make sound data-driven decisions and create an effective incentives program for their researchers and TT staff.
 The link:  
Deadline for the completion of the survey is July 19th 2022.