
In this section it is possible to view, also through targeted research, the technologies inserted in the PROMO-TT Database. For further information on the technologies and to contact the CNR Research Teams who developed them, it is necessary to contact the Project Manager (see the references at the bottom of each record card).

Displaying results 1 - 15 of 24

# Record card

4Ts Game was born in ITD in 2017 to indicate a board game for teacher training, which aims to develop skills in designing collaborative learning activities. The game was originally conceived as a 'tangible' game, consisting of a board and 4 decks of paper cards which contain inputs that guide the teachers/players' design process. Subsequently the game evolved and was developed in its digital version. In this version, developed in Unity and with an underlying knowledge base in Prolog, the game is able to provide feedback to teachers regarding the design/game choices made.

Thematic areas
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
ICT & Electronics
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Education & learning
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Augmented Reality
ICT & Electronics / Multimedia
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Socio-economic models
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
# Record card

The technology, developed by CNR-ICB, is based on an innovative bioprocess called "Caphnophilic (CO2-requiring) Lactic Fermentation (CLF)”, developed in the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga neapolitana (EP patent: EP2948556B1), which allows the production of "green" hydrogen and capture and valorization of CO2 in L -lactic acid (98% e.e.).

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Waste management
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Energy and environmental sustainability / Energy production, transmission and conversion
# Record card

Nowadays, to properly design and develop advanced materials capable to preserve for long times their performance under aggressive environments such as power generation plants, renewables, nuclear reactors and electronics of new generation, transport on ground and on space, aeronautics, catalysis, biomedical implants, the optimization of metallurgical processes involved is crucial.

Thematic areas
Aerospace and Earth Science / Space sciences
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Aerospace and Earth Science / Satellite technologies
Automotive transport and logistics / Vehicles
Automotive transport and logistics / Shipbuilding
Automotive transport and logistics / Propulsion
Automotive transport and logistics / Transport infrastructures
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Vacuum/High vacuum technologies
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Man made fibres
Chemicals & Physics / Special chemicals
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Materials / Building materials
Materials / Ceramic materials
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
Materials / Metals & alloys
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
Energy and environmental sustainability / Rational use of energy
Energy and environmental sustainability / Nuclear fission/nuclear fusion
Energy and environmental sustainability / Cleaner use of fossil fuels
Energy and environmental sustainability / Nuclear engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Safety and security
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Energy and environmental sustainability / Building materials
Health & Biotech / Bio-medicals
# Record card

VisLab laboratory of IMM possesses a latest generation Raman micro-spectroscope equipped for vibrational measurements with high spatial and spectral resolution, at controlled temperature and in fast-imaging. The apparatus can be used to collect information and chemico-physical maps without the need for sample preparation and alteration, therefore for non-destructive studies and in operating conditions.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Man made fibres
Chemicals & Physics / Plastics & rubber
Chemicals & Physics / Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Materials / Plastics, polymers
Chemicals & Physics / Imaging & image processing
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Health & Biotech / Biosensors
Health & Biotech / Micro and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
Health & Biotech / Medical imaging & equipment
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
# Record card

Uniform coverage with porous layers over extended surfaces is beneficial for many purposes. Depending on the nature/composition, thickness and interfaces of the layer, this kind of special coverage can assure pivotal properties such as transparency, bendability, high surface reactivity, intermixing capability. In the long list of desired porous materials, transparent oxides find application in the fields of Photovoltaics, Sensing, Photocatalysis, Water Purification and Splitting, Lithium Batteries and many more.

Thematic areas
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Energy and environmental sustainability / Renewable sources
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Energy production, transmission and conversion
Materials / Composite and hybrid materials
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
# Record card

WembraneX is an Italian start-up born with the ambition to make a significant contribution to UN Sustainable Goal 6 - Ensure Access to Clean Water and Sanitation for all by 2030.

Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Energy and environmental sustainability / Pollution treatment (air, soil, water)
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Separation technologies
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
# Record card

Portable robotic device for bilateral neuromotor rehabilitation. An appropriate mechanical structure and a series of interchangeable accessories suitably designed allow the execution of various motor gestures of the upper limbs, involving different articulations and muscles. The possibility of being used with both limbs contributes to the recovery of motor coordination and facilitates the mechanism of brain plasticity. Some rotary axes the device is equipped with are motorized and sensorized.

Thematic areas
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Bio-medicals
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
ICT & Electronics / Artificial Intelligence
# Record card

NANOINCICLO is a technology based on the use of nanostructured cyclodextrins (CDs) for the targeted delivery of drugs such as anticancer drugs, photodynamic drugs, anti-inflammatories, antivirals, antibacterials, nutraceuticals and metals with therapeutic and diagnostic properties. Successful CDs for the proposed technology are FDA-approved or in advanced pre-clinical investigational stage and include natural and functionalized, polymeric, and amphiphilic monomeric CDs.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Smart Devices for Health and Wellness
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Chemicals & Physics / Subtainable substances and green chemistry
Health & Biotech / Medical Device
# Record card

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (SSNMR) is today one of the most powerful techniques for characterizing solid and soft materials and systems. This spectroscopy allows the detailed characterization of structural and dynamic properties over large spatial (0.1-100 nm) and time (102-10-11 s) scales. Accessing these properties allows a deep knowledge of a material to be obtained and  its design and optimization to be oriented.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Optoacustic sensors, Optoelectronic devices
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Packaging
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Additive manufacturing processes and materials
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Factory of the Future
Materials / Wood products
Health & Biotech
Health & Biotech / Nanomedicine
Health & Biotech / Diagnostic, Medical imaging & advanced bioimaging
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
Health & Biotech / Regenerative Medicine
Health & Biotech / Care, Hygiene, Cosmetics
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Technologies for preservation of cultural heritage
Aerospace and Earth Science
Aerospace and Earth Science / Aeronautical technologies and avionics
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Multimedia technologies
Tourism, social sciences and cultural heritage / Archaeology
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Food quality & safety
Automotive transport and logistics
Automotive transport and logistics / Vehicles
Automotive transport and logistics / Shipbuilding
Automotive transport and logistics / Innovative fuels
Chemicals & Physics
Energy and environmental sustainability
# Record card

The Open Chemistry Database, OChemDb, is a web portal for the research and analysis of crystallochemical information relating to organic, inorganic, metallorganic compounds, and provides statistical information on bond distances, bond angles, torsion angles, types of atoms and space groups. To obtain the above information, OChemDb queries a database, appropriately designed, that contains crystalline structures already resolved.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
# Record card

The platform allows the deployment of a sensor network with peripheral nodes spread on the crop fields or on the environment for the monitoring of crop parameters/environmental parameters. The network architecture integrated LoRa peripheral nodes for short-medium range communication and star-center NB-IoT based for long range communication. It includes a web server and MySQL database for data storage and visualization. The network architecture is scalable to adapt to the area to monitor.

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics / Sensor/multi-sensor technology, instrumentation
Agrifood / Agriculture
Agrifood / Forestry
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Internet of Things
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
# Record card

AIS aim is a robotized inclinometer measurement in standard inclinometer boreholes. The deep measurements have multiple applications, including: evaluating the rate of deep-seated ground deformation in landslide areas, evaluating the volume of deep-seated landslides and assessing landslide hazards. The AIS is composed by an electronic control manager, an inclinometer probe and an electric motor equipped with a high precision encoder for handling and continuous control of the probe in the borehole.

Thematic areas
Energy and environmental sustainability / Environmental engineering/technologies
Aerospace and Earth Science / Geological engineering
Energy and environmental sustainability / Sensory
Measurement tools and Standards
ICT & Electronics / Robotics and control systems
Energy and environmental sustainability / Natural disasters
# Record card

Network structures that require the use of a common database are affected by the risk of processing identification data that are necessary for sharing information and updating and processing data with equal access level between the network nodes. However, this sharing could lead risks of vulnerability when identification data are exchanged between the nodes of the network. The proposed information system involves the exchange of information by encrypting the identification data with an MD5 Hashing procedure (RFC1321).

Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Cybersecurity
ICT & Electronics / Network technology, network security
# Record card

EXPO is a software for the determination of the atomic structure of various materials (organic, metallorganic, inorganic), available in the form of microcrystalline powders, in order to derive the structure-property relationships. EXPO requires the molecular formula of the material, the experimental X-ray diffraction data and, in some cases, the expected molecular geometry.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs
# Record card

QUALX is a software for qualitative and semi-quantitative phase analysis of materials (organic, metallorganic, inorganic), available in the form of microcrystalline powders. It uses a database distributed together with the software. QUALX identifies the crystalline chemical phase, one or more of than one, present in a material and determines approximately the weight percentages of each phase present in a mixture.

Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
Chemicals & Physics / Organic substances
Health & Biotech / Development of new drugs