Shared information system with identification data protection

# Record card
Thematic areas
ICT & Electronics
ICT & Electronics / Information processing, information system, workflow management
ICT & Electronics / IT and Telematics applications
ICT & Electronics / Cybersecurity
ICT & Electronics / Network technology, network security

Network structures that require the use of a common database are affected by the risk of processing identification data that are necessary for sharing information and updating and processing data with equal access level between the network nodes. However, this sharing could lead risks of vulnerability when identification data are exchanged between the nodes of the network. The proposed information system involves the exchange of information by encrypting the identification data with an MD5 Hashing procedure (RFC1321). The unique code of each record is generated by entering three identifying information held by the nodes of the network. The encrypted ID generated is not reversible. In this way it is possible to eliminate the risk of loss of identification information through data breach, and at the same time to share information related to the correct identity to the network nodes who are aware of the encrypted ID.

Business fields
Type of innovation
Product / process innovation in integration with an already existing technology
Description of innovative features / Competitive advantages

The Privacy Regulation (both in force and the laws prior to 2016), whose main purpose isf protecting the confidentiality of information that could harm the interested parties, has involved a series of technological adjustments to allow the implementation of activities based on the use individual data. When there is a need to exchange confidential as safely as possible, confidentiality can be a very difficult obstacle to overcome. The proposed system has found the most convenient way for a secure data exchange within a closed network at whose nodes there are properly trained operators. The main advantage lies in the fact that the telematic method can be used for the exchange of pseudonymised information which makes the transmission immediate, controlled and traceable even in the presence of confidential information.

Reference market
Incremental innovation
Impacts on existing markets
Development stage
Product/process/service/technology optimization
Patentable technology
Patented technology
Technology validation/demonstration
External validation
Market positioning
Partner required
Public research center/university
Cooperation in national /european / international project

For more information and/or to be put in contact with the Research Team, please contact the Project Manager:

Barbara Angelini - Project Manager
CNR - Unità Valorizzazione della Ricerca
Phone number 06.49932415