An interoperable and modular Digital Geospatial Ecosystem (DGE) is proposed, designed, implemented and tested in order to: collect in real time, manage and share geographic data; make usable tools and functionalities to support actions to prevent, monitor and mitigate impacts from extreme events as well as to prepare for and respond to emergency situations. The DGE is composed of the following modules:
- data acquisition: web tools for real-time collection of geolocalized and structured, multi-source/multi-scale data;
- decision support (DSS), designed using Petri Nets, reinforce decision making in emergency event preparedness and response;
- data visualization and sharing: a Geoportal, GIS-based, compliant with OGC standards and FAIR principles.
The DGE provides a distributed architecture and is composed of various Nodes (distributed throughout the territory) with different functions and permissions.
In a single, modular and interoperable operational environment, the decision maker has available data, tools and functionalities to support the planning (prevention, monitoring and mitigation of impacts from extreme natural events) and emergency preparedness and response. At the heart of the DGE is the DSS, designed and implemented for modeling complex processes that require workflows according to mutually exclusive, concurrent or sequential actions. This makes the DGE extremely flexible and usable wherever data are required to support procedural flows.
Finally, the distributed, dockerized type of architecture allows: 1. easy deployment at the spatial level; 2. simplicity in deploying (setting up) new nodes.