SNP genotyping assay for the varietal authentication of musts and wines

# Record card
Thematic areas
Agrifood / Food quality & safety

Wine is one of the economically most important beverages and may be subject to fraud and mislabelling, although that there are specific and strict rules protecting its authenticity in Europe. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), recently identified and characterized thanks to advances in genomics, are considered the newest type of molecular marker for grapevine identification. The protocol developed for SNP detection by quantitative real-time PCR (SNP genotyping) is a highly promising assay for varietal authentication of ‘Nebbiolo’ wines, and it represent an excellent reference for future protocols for the detection of other grapevine varieties in wines. The substantial advances for the sector of the new SNP genotyping protocol could provide an effective system for the traceability of a beverage product, such as wine, relevant to the Italian economy.

Business fields
Type of innovation
Service/know how innovation
Description of innovative features / Competitive advantages

The techniques used for the varietal identification of grapes in wines are traditionally based on chemical and biochemical parameters or on microsatellite molecular markers. However, such methods are time consuming and generally do not give reliable results in wines. The certification of DOC and DOCG productions is rigorously established by the regulations and is still mainly based on harvest quantity declarations. The method based on the amplification of new SNP markers allows identifying in wines the possible presence of grapes other than those indicated on the label, with: (i) high sensitivity and specificity in detecting DNA; (ii) reduced analysis time; and (iii) straightforward interpretation of results, even in non-specialised laboratories. The technology would contribute substantially to the protection of wine producers and consumers, and to make the assayed product more competitive in the wine market.

Reference market
Impacts on existing markets
Development stage
Product/process/service/technology optimization
Cost reduction
Patentable technology
Patented technology
Publication of technology
Technology validation/demonstration
Internal validation
Market positioning
Partner required
Public research center/university
Private research center
Cooperation in national /european / international project

For more information and/or to be put in contact with the Research Team, please contact the Project Manager:

Barbara Angelini - Project Manager
CNR - Unità Valorizzazione della Ricerca
Phone number 06.49932415