Low-pressure reaction chamber for ultra pure atomic fluorine delivery

# Record card
Thematic areas
Chemicals & Physics / Inorganic substances
ICT & Electronics / Electronics and microelectronics
ICT & Electronics / Nanotechnologies related to electronics and microelectronics
Additive and advanced industrial manufacturing / Vacuum/High vacuum technologies
Materials / Metals & alloys
Materials / Properties of materials, corrosion, degradation
Materials / Processes of production & treatment of materials
Materials / Photo-active & graphene-based materials
Materials / Semiconductors and Superconductors
Chemicals & Physics / Micro and nanotechnology related to physical, chemical and exact sciences

The invention consists of a method and apparatus for the delivery at low pressure (equal to or less than 10-7 Torr) of monoatomic fluorine for reaction with surfaces in an ultra-clean environment. Thanks to the low pressure values involved in the proposed method, the risks associated with the use of fluorine are reduced to a minimum. The chemical reaction on the surfaces occurs with monoatomic fluorine rather than with molecular fluorine: therefore, since it is not necessary to break the molecular bond of the fluorine, the reactive power of the gas increases significantly. The pressure necessary to obtain thermodynamic equilibrium between a given substance and the gas is reduced by several orders of magnitude.

Type of innovation
Product innovation
Process innovation
Description of innovative features / Competitive advantages

The synthesis of some compounds and coatings requires exposing the surfaces to fluorine in a very clean environment. Commercial fluorine is supplied as a diatomic gas and is highly toxic. Our method uses monoatomic fluorine and therefore allows the same reaction to occur at much lower pressures than those required with diatomic fluorine. Furthermore, the proposed method allows the administration of fluorine in the presence of a negligible amount of contaminants. In tests performed to implement the invention the only gas detected other than fluorine was hydrogen, present at a partial pressure four times lower than that of monoatomic fluorine ( https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.04858 ). The apparatus consists of a high-vacuum metal chamber with active internal walls. The active walls are designed to catalyze the transformation from molecular fluorine to monoatomic fluorine and to store the fluorine for later use.

Reference market
Incremental innovation
Creation of new markets
Development stage
Product/process/service/technology optimization
Patentable technology
Patented technology


Publication of technology
Technology validation/demonstration
Internal validation
Market positioning
Partner required
Public research center/university
Private research center
Cooperation in national /european / international project

For more information and/or to be put in contact with the Research Team, please contact the Project Manager:

Barbara Angelini - Project Manager
CNR - Unità Valorizzazione della Ricerca
Phone number 06.49932415
E-mail barbara.angelini@cnr.it